When creating a stream, you can specify a static image that will be used to replace the encoded video stream when the stream is paused. This feature may be used, for example, to block out sensitive content or deliver announcements and other messages. See Selective Video Mute.
The supported source formats for the static image are BMP, JPEG, PNG, and GIF.
The supported output resolutions are 1920x1080, 1280x720, 720x480 (NTSC), and 720x576 (PAL).
Still Image insertion when pausing a stream is not supported when a HEVC/H.265 video encoder is selected as a content source.
For best results, the input file resolution must be the same or greater than the output resolution.
To upload a static image:
On the Streaming page, click Media on the navigation bar and Still Images on the sidebar.
The Still Images page opens, displaying the list of still images that have been uploaded for the encoder, as shown in the following example.
To upload a new image file, first select the Output Resolution for the image.
Click Import and select the file in the Open File dialog box.
When you see the filename in the text box, click Upload.
To select a different image file, click Change. To remove the selection, click the icon.
The static image is encoded into a single H.264 GOP sequence and will be used to replace the “real” video stream when the stream is paused.
To delete one or more image files from the Still Images list, check the checkbox next to one or more filenames (or check All) and click Delete on the Content toolbar.
The resulting still image files are stored on the Makito X file system in the folder /usr/share/haivision/still_images.
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