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Logo Settings

The following table lists the Logo controls and settings:

Logo Setting





On the Makito X SDI dual channel, the video input is either BNC-1 or BNC-2.
On the Makito X-DVI or SDI single channel, there is only one video input.

PositionBottom Right

Select the position for the logo overlay:

  • Bottom Right
  • Top Right
  • Bottom Left
  • Top Left
  • Centered
  • Absolute


    In Absolute mode, the logo will be positioned at the exact X and Y coordinates specified.
  • Relative


    Relative mode uses the X and Y coordinates specified, while keeping the logo in proportion to the display area, regardless of the input resolution. The original scaling is vis-à-vis a 1920x1080 grid.

Coordinates0, 0

Specifies the position of the logo on the X and Y axes. (The origin is the top left corner of the display area.)


Only takes effect if Position is set to Absolute.

Specifies the percentage of transparency for the logo:

  • 0 = no transparency (i.e., a completely solid/opaque logo)
  • 100 = fully transparent (i.e., a completely transparent/invisible logo)

Specifies the scale factor (percentage) for the logo:

  • 25% = 1/4 size
  • 100% = no scaling
  • 400% = 4x
DisplayDisabledCheck this checkbox to display the selected file as a logo overlay.

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