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Configuring HEVC Video Encoding

From the Video Encoders List View, you can select the HEVC encoding instance and then define the encoding parameters for the HEVC encoder. The Makito X HEVC platform supports three HEVC modes of operation:

  • Single HEVC Encoding – Up to 1080p60 from an input with frame decimation / downscale support.
  • High/Low HEVC Encoding from the Same Input Source – A single input signal can be up to 1080p60, but each encoding core can be set up to 1080i30/1080p30/720p60 with frame decimation / downscale support.
  • Dual HEVC Encoding from Different Inputs – Each input signal can be up to 1080i30/1080p30/720p60 with frame decimation / downscale support.

The total aggregate HEVC encoding capability for all active HEVC video encoders is equivalent to one (1) 1920x1080p60 video signal.

You may select either SD/HD/3G-SDI video input as the video source for each HEVC encoding instance.

The total video encoder bitrate supported for all HEVC encoders is at least 15 Mbps.


The first HEVC encoder (#4) is the primary encoder and gets preferential treatment when the configuration exceeds the available resources (at least as far as HEVC encoding resources are concerned).

For example, if video encoder #4 is using all HEVC encoding resources (i.e., encoding 1080p60), video encoder #5 is blocked from taking resources from #4, so it cannot be started. But if you reverse the scenario, and video encoder #5 is using all HEVC encoding resources, video encoder #4 is able to start and take all HEVC encoding resources away from #5, and #5 fails/stops.

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