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Starting to Decode

Once you have bound the video and audio to your streams, the decoder is ready to start decoding.

  1. (If not already created) Create a stream from a Haivision encoder (Makito X, Makito/Barracuda, or Hai1000/Piranha) with this decoder as the destination. [Make sure the encoder is on the same network segment.]
  2. Start the stream from the encoder and you should see video on your decoder displays.
  3. Click the Statistics button on the SDI Decoder Output page for helpful information about the decoding session.


In order to optimize your decoder’s performance, it is recommended that only the required network services be enabled. Please review the network services to make sure services used for your application are enabled or disabled as appropriate. See Enabling and Disabling Network Services in the User's Guide.


Clicking Apply does not save your changes and they will be lost after a reboot. Saving configurations as presets provides a way for you to save groups of settings and apply them to other streams. A warning indication

Unsaved Configuration Warning
appears in the title bar on systems with unsaved configurations. For more information, see Saving and Loading Presets in the User’s Guide.

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