After logging in to the Web interface, you will have access to the decoder configuration settings. All of the settings can be adjusted via the Web browser.
The Web interface opens to the Streams List View (as shown in the following example). Your account information is displayed on the toolbar (along the top).
To create streams or set up decoding, select the output interface, either STREAMS, AUDIO, HDMI, SDI 1, or SDI 2.
If SAP listening is enabled, you can switch the display between “Configured” and SAP-advertised streams, or “All” from the Display drop-down list. For details, see Enabling and Disabling Network Services.
If Audio Talkback has been enabled, you will see the Talkback button (as shown in the following figure). Once a stream has started, you can start Talkback. For details, see Starting and Stopping Audio Talkback.
To access the decoder administration settings, click the Administration icon on the toolbar, and then select the area from the sidebar menu, for example Network (under Settings) or Accounts (under Security).
(Where applicable) On the List View, click a link in the table to open the Detail View. For example, on the Streams List View (shown below), click a link to open the Streams Detail View.
A warning indication appears in the title bar on systems with unsaved configurations. The indication is displayed when you sign in or out, or reboot a Makito X when the current configuration has not been saved in a preset. See Saving and Loading Presets.