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The config command is used to manage configurations on the Makito X decoder. This includes saving the current configuration, loading a saved configuration, and specifying the configuration file to load at startup.

All configuration files are stored in /usr/share/haivision/config.


This is equivalent to saving and loading Presets in the Web interface. See Saving and Loading Presets.


config save [cfgname] [startup=yes,no]
config load [cfgname]
config delete [cfgname/all]
config list




Saves the current configuration. Saves every parameter in the system, including decoder settings and stream destination and status (excluding the system IP address).

All configuration files are stored in /usr/share/haivision/config.

See NOTE regarding cfgname.


Loads a previously saved configuration identified by <cfgname>. Reassigns every parameter in the system, including decoder settings and stream destination and status (excluding the system IP address).


Deletes a previously saved configuration identified by <cfgname>. If no filename is specified, the system deletes the default configuration (haistartupcfg.ini).


Displays a list of the available configuration files.


Displays usage information for the config command.


# config save Class200 startup=yes

Saves the current configuration under the name "Class200" and sets it to be the startup configuration.

# config load Class200

Loads a previously saved configuration identified by the name "Class200" (located in the active (local) directory).


The following special characters are not supported for use in the configuration name (cfgname) unless they are escaped using the backward slash (\) character before being used:

  Single Quote ` 
  Ampersand & 
  Parentheses ( ) 
  Semicolon ; 
  Apostrophe ’ 
  Double Quote ” 
  Left and Right Angle Brackets < >

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