From the Video Encoders pages, you can configure up toeight independent video encoders to apply to streams. Each encoder can be configured independently and assigned to multiple outputs to support multi-bitrate.
ClickStreamingon the sidebar.
Select theVideo Encoderstab. The Video Encoders List View displays information at a glance for the video encoders, as shown in the following example:
Click theSort A-Zdropdown menu to view the sorting options. The video encoder list view can be sorted in Ascending or Descending order, or by:
To start or stop video encoders, you can use the Start/Stop / icon on the individual video encoder panel, or click the checkbox at the top of the list to select all and then press the Stop or Start button (as applicable).
To view details or configure the settings for a video encoder, click Settings icon on the video encoder panel.
To configure settings such as the video Input, (output) Bitrate, Resolution, and GOP Size, select or enter new values in the appropriate fields.