All four SDI cables must be connected for an SQD video input to run successfully. If any cables are disconnected, the video will stop.
The Makito X4 Encoder can ingest and encode UHD video using the BNC1 12G SDI interface, 2SI (two-sample interleave) mode, or SQD (square division) mode. A single UHD stream, containing a mix of video, audio, and/or ancillary data flows (such as subtitling or closed captioning), is supported.
To configure an SQD input:
Set the encoder to 'SQD' Personality. You can configure the Personality either from the Web Interface on the Status page (see Managing System Status Information) or via the personality CLI command (see personality).
Changing the personality of the encoder requires a reboot to take effect.
Go to the Video Encoders List View (Streaming > Video Encoders).
Click the Settings icon on video encoder 0 to expand the Video Encoder details.
In the Input section, ensure that BNC-1 or 2SI/SQD is selected as the input, and check the Square Division checkbox.
The Square Division parameter must be enabled on Video Encoder 0. Failure to enable this parameter on Video Encoder 0 will result in four independent 1080p signals.
Configure the remaining video encoder settings. For more details, see Video Encoder Settings.
When the encoder personality is set to SQD, interlaced scaling and de-interlacing are not supported.
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