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ST 2110 Input Settings

The following table lists the ST 2110 Input essence controls and settings:

Input Setting




n/a(Optional) A unique name for the media essence (up to 63 characters).
Media TypeVideo

Select the media type for the media essence.

  • Video, Audio, ANC Data

(Only available when creating a new essence) Check this checkbox to automatically start the media essence when created.


The IP address of the media essence (in dotted-decimal format). This is typically a multicast address to which the ST 2110 data is being sent. 

Portn/aThe UDP port of the media essence. Enter a number in the range 1025..65,535. 
RTP Payload

96 (video)
98 (audio)
100 (data)

The RTP Payload of the media essence. [0..127]

Source AddressAny(Optional) The IP address of the media essence source for source-specific multicast.

Select the input number for the media essence. This is used to assign the input to a video or audio encoder, or metadata source.

  • 1, 2, 3, 4
Video Format


(Media Type must be Video) Select the format for the video essence.

  • Automatic
  • Select a video resolution from the drop-down list
Number of Channels2(Media Type must be Audio) Enter the number of channels for the audio essence. 1 16
Packet Time1ms

(Media Type must be Audio) Select the duration of packets for the audio essence, either:

  • 1ms
  • 125μs (microseconds, i.e., one millionth of a second)

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