Services Settings
The configurable decoder Services are as follows:
Service | Description/Values |
General | |
HTTP | Hypertext Transfer Protocol, used for Web browsers acting as a client. Note Only secured HTTP (HTTPS) is supported. |
SSH | Secure Shell, a network protocol that allows data to be exchanged using a secure channel between two networked devices. |
Telnet | Telnet, a network protocol used on the Internet or local area networks to provide bidirectional communications via a virtual terminal connection. |
SNMP | Simple Network Management Protocol, a network protocol used mostly in network management systems to monitor network attached devices. |
EMS | EMS (Element Management System) allows simple management of Haivision-only devices. |
Product Analytics | |
Enable Anonymous Product Analytics | Toggle Enable Anonymous Product Analytics on or off to enable or disable the collection of anonymous product analytics. |
Thumbnail Preview | |
Preview | Toggle to On to enable Control Center Thumbnail Previews. |
Interval | Enter the Preview capture interval in seconds and click Save. 1...600 (default is 10 seconds) Note A lower interval may affect performance. We recommend that you verify that the chosen value does not affect your system performance. The Preview settings will continue to be used after a reboot, or when the unit is turned off and on. |
EMS / Cloud Services | |
Connection Status | (Read-only) The connection status between the Makito X4 Decoder and Haivision EMS. Possible statuses are:
Passcode | Enter the passcode provided on Haivision EMS to connect your device. |
Address | By default, the address is pulled from the pairing code. To override this address, type a new one into the Address field. |
Port | By default, the port number is pulled from the pairing code. To override this port, type a new one into the Port field. |
Keep Alive (seconds) | The time interval (in seconds) in which the device will ping the EMS server to maintain its connection. To change the Keep Alive interval, type the desired number of seconds in this field. |
Unpair | Click the Unpair button to unpair your unit from Haivision EMS. |
Related Topics
- Pairing the Decoder with Haivision EMS
- Managing Certificates (to manage HTTP TLS certificates)