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Audio Encoder Statistics

The following table lists the Audio Encoder statistics: 

Audio Encoder Statistic



The current operating status of the encoder, indicated by the status icon, either:

  • – Encoding 
  • – Muted 
  • – Stopped    

Encoded Frames

Number of encoded frames.

Encoded Bytes

Number of encoded bytes.

Encoded Bitrate

The audio bitrate used for the encoder (in kbps).


When using 16-bit Pass-Through, this statistic may not match the configured bitrate. In this mode, the configured audio encoder bitrate is ignored; instead, the bitrate is a fixed number determined by the number of channel pairs carried. 

Encoded Framerate The current rate of encoded frames per second (FPS). 

Encoder Errors

Number of audio encoding errors.

Encoder PTS

The current encoder Presentation Time Stamp (PTS) based on a 90 kHz clock: e.g., 0x138a56483

STC Source Interface

(only available when State is Encoding) The audio input from which the audio STC (System Time Clock) is derived: either BNC-1, BNC-2, BNC-3 or BNC-4.

Maximum Sample Value

The largest sample in the last audio frame (total of 1024 samples per frame). (Duration: 21 ms)

Maximum VU LevelA sample of the maximum volume level (in dB) per channel. Range: -80 dB to 0 dB
Last Statistics ResetThe time elapsed since the last statistics reset. 


Click to reset the Audio Encoder statistics.

Linear PCM Audio StatisticsDescription/Values
Pass-Through Type

The pass-through type detected in the audio source.

Values can be: PCM, or, non-PCM


The Pass-Through Type is "PCM" when no SMPTE 337 packets are detected, and “non-PCM” when SMPTE 337 packets are detected.

Detected Algorithm

The audio codec algorithm detected from the audio source.

Values can be: AC3, E-AC3, MPEG1-LayerI, MPEG1-LayerII, MPEG2-LayerI, MPEG2-LayerII, MPEG2-ADTS, MPEG4-LOAS, 16BitPassThrough, Unknown.

Detected Sample Rate

The sample rate (in kHz) of the incoming audio.

Values can be: 16 kHz or 48 kHz.

Detected Bit Depth

The number of bits detected per sample. 

Values can be: 16, 20, or 24 bits. 


Currently, only 16 bit Bit Depth is supported. Reported Bit Depths of 20 or 24 bits indicate error conditions. 

Error Code

A description of any errors which may occur in the process of the SMPTE 337 de-encapsulation. 

Values can be: 

  • Channel mode mismatch - The audio encoder channel mode is conflicting with the received SMPTE 337 packet encapsulation mode. To resolve this error, choose an appropriate mono channel mode, see Audio Encoder Settings>Channel Mode>AC3 & E-AC3 Audio. 

  • No supported streams found - There are no SMPTE 337 packets detected which contain any audio codec data. This can occur if the AES3 channels contain only NULL or other utility SMPTE 337 packets. To resolve this error, upstream equipment should send supported audio coded data within a SMPTE 337 stream.

  • The bit depth is unsupported - The SMPTE 337 packets are using an unsupported bit depth (20 or 24). To resolve this error, upstream equipment should send only use the 16 bit depth within all SMPTE 337 packets.

  • The codec algorithm is unsupported - Only SMPTE 337 packets with an unsupported codec algorithm are detected. To resolve this error, upstream equipment should send supported audio coded data within a SMPTE 337 stream.

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