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Output Settings

The following sections list the Streaming Output controls and settings: 


Streaming Setting





(Optional) Enter a unique name for the stream.



Video Encoder 0

Select the Video Encoder to assign to the stream:

  • None (no content source selected)
  • Video Encoder 0 . . 1


Audio Encoder 0

Select the Audio Encoder to assign to the stream.

  • None (no content source selected)
  • Audio Encoder 0 . .


To configure multi-track audio, click the 
Plus Icon
 button next to the Audio field and select the next Audio Encoder to add to the stream.

(Only available if KLV or CoT has been installed) To enable metadata, select one of the defined inputs.

  • (None)
  • Select from list of defined metadata sources, e.g., HD-SDI-BNC-1, HD-SDI-BNC-2, HD-SDI-BNC-3, or HD-SDI-BNC-4


To stream metadata from multiple sources, click the 
Plus Icon
 button next to the Metadata field and select the next metadata source to add to the stream.

For more information, see Configuring Metadata Capture.

SCTE 35 (Ad Insertion)None 

(Optional - only available as a licensed feature) To enable ad insertion, select one of the following from the SCTE 35 drop down menu:

  • (None)
  • Select the defined ad insertion source, e.g., HD-SDI-BNC-1

For more information, see Setting Up Streaming Outputs and Configuring Ad Insertion Sources

Data Carriage


Selects the encapsulation type to use for the KLV metadata source, either:

  • Synchronous: synchronous metadata AU (ISO/IEC 13818-1)
  • Asynchronous: asynchronous private data (SMPTE RP 217)
  • Asynchronous with Sync AU: asynchronous private data carrying sync metadata AU
Streaming Parameters

Streaming Setting



ProtocolTS over UDP

Select the Protocol Type for the encoded stream.

Transport Stream Settings
Video PID33

(Optional) Video Packet Identifier 16..8190

Audio PID36

(Optional) Audio Packet Identifier 16..8190

Metadata PID40(Optional) Data (metadata) Packet Identifier. 16..8190
Ad Insertion PID 64(Optional) Adinsertion (SCTE-35) Packet Identifier. 16..8190
PCR PID33(Optional) (Program Clock Reference) Packet Identifier. Timestamp in the TS from which the decoder timing is derived. 16..8190
PMT PID32(Optional) (Program Map Table) Packet Identifier. 16..8190
Transport Stream ID0(Optional) Transport Stream ID. Identifies the transport stream in the Program Association table (PAT) of the TS stream. 0..65535
Program Number1

(Optional) Program Identifier used in the Program Map Table (PMT) of the TS stream. 0..65535



Enter the destination IP address in dotted-decimal format.


The Multicast address range is from to Multicast addresses from to are reserved for multicast maintenance protocols and should not be used by streaming sessions. We recommend that you use a multicast address from the Organization-Local scope (


Enter the destination UDP port(s). Enter a number in the range 1025..65,535. Note that RTP streams use even numbers only within this range.

Link Parameters
Average Bandwidthn/a(Read-only) The average transmit bandwidth for the unit in kbps.
Timing & ShapingVBR

Controls the timing characteristics of packets transmitted on the network (See (1.2) Output Settings#Note below). Select either:

  • VBR (Variable Bitrate): The stream is not controlled and packets are transmitted as they become available.
  • CVBR (Capped Variable Bitrate): The maximum stream bitrate transmitted is limited by the Bandwidth Overhead parameter.
  • CBR (Constant Bitrate): The stream bitrate, packet timing, and audio/video timing comply with MPEG-2 TS CBR definition. The maximum stream bitrate transmitted is limited by the Bandwidth Overhead parameter. If no data is available, idle cells may be inserted.


Timing & Shaping settings combine and replace the Traffic Shaping, Idle Cells and Delayed Audio parameters from the Makito X:

  • VBR: Shaping=Off, Idle Cells=Off, Delayed Audio=Off
  • CVBR: Shaping=On, Idle Cells=Off, Delayed Audio=Off
  • CBR: Shaping=On, Idle Cells=On, Delayed Audio=On

Metadata Bandwidth


(CBR or CVBR streams with Metadata sources)  Enables you to set the Metadata value used in the calculation that compares the output stream bitrate to the Total TX Bandwidth value. 

  • auto: The system estimates the bitrate used by the metadata sources in that stream.
  • Enter a value in kbps between 0 and 10,000.
Bandwidth Overhead (%)15%

(CBR/CVBR streams) Specifies the maximum stream bandwidth overhead that can be used for lost packets recovery.
Range = 5-100% 


1496(Maximum Transmission Unit) Specifies the maximum allowed size of IP packets for the outgoing RTP data stream. 228..1500



(Time-to Live for stream packets) Specifies the number of router hops that IP packets from this stream are allowed to traverse before being discarded.
Range = 1..255


128 or  0x80 (CS4)

(Type of Service) Specifies the desired quality of service (QoS). This value will be assigned to the Type of Service field of the IP Header for the outgoing streams.
Range = 0..255 (decimal) or 0x00..0xFF (hex)


A DiffServ or DSCP (Differentiated Services Code Point) value must be converted to a ToS precedence value. For example, AF41 or DSCP 34 becomes ToS 136. For more information, see RFC2474.


The ToS setting must be chosen so as to not interfere with Voice over IP systems and other equipment that may reside on your network. For example, when the ToS value for a stream is set to 0xB8, it can interfere with some third party Voice / IP Telephony systems.

Pro-MPEG FEC Settings (TS over RTP only)

The level of Forward Error Correction (FEC) protection:

  • A (Column only): uses the column FEC stream.
  • B (Row and Column): uses both column and row FEC streams.

The number of columns in the FEC matrix.


The number of rows in the FEC matrix.

Block AlignedEnabled

Specifies the type of FEC matrix scheme.

  • Check this checkbox to align the FEC blocks in the matrix structure (i.e., sequential columns within a group start on the same row).
  • If left unchecked, the blocks are a staggered series of FEC packets (i.e., each column starts on the row below the row on which the previous column started).


The enabled Block Aligned setting corresponds to the aligned FEC discussed in Annex C of SMPTE 2022-1.

The disabled Block Aligned setting corresponds to the non-aligned FEC discussed in Annex B of SMPTE 2022-1.

SRT Settings

Streaming Setting






Specifies the SRT Connection Mode:

  • Caller: The SRT stream acts like a client and connects to a server listening and waiting for an incoming call.
  • Listener: The SRT stream acts like a server, and listens and waits for clients to connect to it.


    The firewall must be configured to allow incoming Caller connections to reach the Listening device.
  • Rendezvous: Allows calling and listening at the same time.


    To simplify firewall traversal, Rendezvous Mode allows the encoder and decoder to traverse a firewall without the need for IT to open a port, but requires that the firewall not remap the UDP port for the stream.
Path RedundancyNone

(Optional) Configures t he stream to us e redundant transport paths

  • None
  • Active-Active: Stream packets are sent on  both  defined network paths, and both links continually transmit. The listener uses the first received stream packets and ignores the duplicate packets received from the other network paths. This mode maintains low latency at the expense of network bandwidth. See Configuring SRT Path Redundancy.
Path Name n/a

(Path Redundancy must be Active-Active) Type in descriptive labels for Path 1 and Path 2.



(Caller and Rendezvous modes) Specifies the destination IP address for the SRT stream.


You can also enter a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN).

Source Port


(Caller mode) Specifies the UDP source port for the SRT stream. If not filled in, a (default) source port will be assigned.


This simplifies firewall configuration as the firewall/NAT rules can be precisely tailored to the SRT stream.

Destination Port


(Caller and Rendezvous modes) Specifies the UDP destination port for the SRT stream.



(Listener mode only) Specifies the UDP local port for the SRT stream.

Network AdaptiveDisabledCheck this checkbox to enable Network Adaptive Encoding. NAE directs the video encoder to adapt to changing network throughput used by the SRT stream during operational use with the goal of maximizing video quality for a given network. NAE may adjust video bitrate depending on measured link throughput without stream tear-down and re-build.
(Buffering) Latency250 ms

Specifies the SRT receiver buffer that permits lost packet recovery. The size of this buffer adds up to the total latency. A minimum value must be 3 times the round-trip-time (RTT). Range = 20 - 8000 ms


Latency is for the SRT protocol only and does not include the capture, encoding, decoding and display processes of the end-point devices.

The SRT buffer, configured as "Latency'", is the time reserved in the decoder to recover missing packets.

EncryptionNoneEnables AES encryption and specifies the key length, either: None, AES-128, or AES-256
Authentication n/a 
(Only available if Encryption is enabled) Configures Authenticated-Encryption with Associated-Data (AEAD). Options are:

None - Default for Caller and Rendez-vous modes. Not available for Listener mode.

Auto - Default for Listener mode. Not available for Caller or Rendez-vous modes.

AES-GCM - Available for CallerListener, and Rendez-vous modes.


Setting the authentication to Auto allows the Listener to accept Callers with authentication set to either None or AES-GCM. Listeners with the authentication set to AES-GCM will only accept Callers which are also set to AES-GCM.  

Passphrasen/a(Only required and accepted if Encryption is enabled) Specifies a string used to generate the encryption keys to protect the stream.
Range = 10-79 UTF8 characters
Overhead (%)

(SRT streams only) Specifies the maximum stream bandwidth overhead that can be used for lost packets recovery.
Range = 5-50%


SRT streams may temporarily overshoot the defined bandwidth overhead limit.
SRT Access Control
FormatStandard Keys

(SRT Caller only) Select the format to configure the Stream Publishing ID:  

  • Standard Keys: Simplifies defining the Stream Publishing ID. Th Stream Publishing ID  field is read-only and auto-fills when you f ill in the  Resource Name  and  User Name  fields.
    Example Standard Keys format Stream ID: 
    #!::u=admin,r=haivision1 ,m=publish
  • Custom: Select Custom to enter the Stream Publishing ID using your own format. 


    If you first select Standard Keys format and fill in the  Resource Name  and  User Name fields, you can then modify or complete the resulting  Stream Publishing ID by switching to Custom format.

    See  Configuring SRT Access Control .

Resource Namen/a(Standard Keys only) r :   Resource Name   identifies the name of the resource and facilitates selection should the listener party be able to serve multiple resources.
User Namen/a(Standard Keys only) u :   User Name , or authorization name, that is expected to control which password should be used for the connection. The application should interpret it to distinguish which user should be used by the listener party to set up the password.
Stream Publishing IDn/a

(Standard Keys) Read-only/auto-filled when Resource Name  and  User Name  fields filled in.

(Custom Format) Enter the Stream Publishing ID using your own format. 


Streaming Setting



Transmit SAPOff(Protocol Type must be TS over UDP or RTP) Check this checkbox to enable Session Announcement Protocol (SAP) network announcements.
Namen/aIf SAP is enabled, enter a unique name for the Session.
Descriptionn/a(Optional) Enter an expanded description of the Session.
Keywordsn/a(Optional) Enter one or more keywords to associate with the Session. Keywords can serve as filters.
Authorn/a(Optional) Enter the name of the program's author.
Copyrightn/a(Optional) Enter the copyright information for the session.

(Optional) Enter a different SAP multicast advertising IP address to override the default/selected values.

The "Auto-Assign" default value means that when the stream is created and SAP is enabled, the Makito X will automatically pick the proper default advertisement address based on the stream's destination address and family (IPv4 or IPv6). After after the new stream is is started, it will display the actual selected IP address.


Enter the SAP advertising UDP port. Default=9875.



Streaming Setting



These buttons become available to control a stream once it has started streaming (after you click Apply).



Click Stop to stop an active stream. You can later restart it or clear it.


Click Start to restart a stopped stream.


n/aClick Statistics to view statistics for the stream. See Streaming Output Statistics.

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