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Makito Classic Encoder


Welcome to the documentation for the Haivision® Makito™ Compact HD H.264 Video Encoder. The Makito video encoder delivers high performance H.264 in a compact and cost-effective form factor. The Makito with DVI supports HD (Component Analog or Digital) or computer resolutions (RGB or DVI-D). The Makito-SDI supports SDI, HD-SDI, 3G-SDI, and Composite as well as S-Video (for Standard Definition). The Makito encoder is available as a compact standalone appliance or as mini-blades within rack mountable chassis.

The Makito Air Ruggedized HD/SD H.264 encoder incorporates the performance and power of the standard Makito in a ruggedized chassis coupled with full KLV/CoT metadata capabilities.

Documentation for Makito encoder version 2.3 is available as PDFs in the following list. For documentation of previous versions, please create a support ticket in the Haivision Support Portal.

For security purposes, Haivision strongly advises you to change the default passwords during initial configuration.

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