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Editing Project Audio

The Audio Editor allows you to add audio tracks, record and insert voice-overs, and edit the volume.

To edit project audio:

  1. Go to the 
    Menu and tap 
    Menu Screen
  2. Tap a project on the Edit screen.
    Example Project
  3. Tap 
    Audio to open the Audio Editor.
    Audio Tracks Screen with no tracks

  4. Tap 

    to record a voiceover track, or tap 
    to add an audio track from your device. Use the tabs below to view instructions for each audio option:

    Record Voiceover

    To record a voiceover track:

    1. On the Audio tab, tap the 
      icon to add a voiceover track.
    2. Tap the empty voiceover track.
      Audio Editor Screen with Empty Track
    3. Tap the Record Voiceover button.
      Voiceover Config
    4. Tap the red 
      icon to start recording a voiceover. The currently-selected audio input is displayed. 
      Voiceover Recording
    5. Tap Select to save the voiceover track.
    6. Drag the Video handles to select the portion of video that will contain the voiceover track.
      Voiceover Video Selection
    7. Drag the Voiceover handles to select the portion of the voiceover track to be played in the video.

      Voiceover Track Selection


      You can also tap the timestamps below the Video or Voiceover handles to set the start and endpoints with greater precision:

    8. Under Voiceover Settings, drag the sliders to adjust Voiceover Volume and Music Attenuation.
    9. (Optional) Enable the Loop Voiceover toggle to loop the track for the selected portion of video.
    10. Tap Done to save your changes.
    Add Music

    To add music or an audio track from your device:

    1. On the Audio tab, tap the 
      icon to add a music track.
    2. Tap the empty music track.
      Audio Editor Screen with Empty Music Track
    3. Tap the Choose a File button and select an audio track from your device.
      Music Track Config
    4. Drag the Video handles to select the portion of video that will contain the audio track.
      Music Video Handles
    5. Drag the Music handles to select the portion of the audio track to be played in the video.

      Music Track Handles


      You can also tap the timestamps below the Video or Music handles to set the start and endpoints with greater precision:

    6. Under Music Settings, drag the slider to adjust Music Volume
    7. (Optional) Enable the Loop Music toggle to loop the track for the selected portion of video.
    8. Tap Done to save your changes.
  5. Tap Projects to return to the previous screen and save your changes.
    Audio Editor Screen with 3 Tracks
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