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Services Settings

The configurable Services are as follows:

Network Services




Hypertext Transfer Protocol, used for Web browsers acting as a client.


Only secured HTTP (HTTPS) is supported.


Secure Shell, a network protocol that allows data to be exchanged using a secure channel between two networked devices.


Telnet, a network protocol used on the Internet or local area networks to provide bidirectional communications via a virtual terminal connection.


Simple Network Management Protocol, a network protocol used mostly in network management systems to monitor network attached devices.

RTSPEnables streaming of video feeds from the Makito FX encoder to a Milestone server for archiving and analysis using the RTSP protocol.
Haivision EMSEMS (Element Management System) allows simple management of Haivision-only devices. 
ONVIFEnables the ONVIF management API to send commands from the Milestone XProtect video management software (VMS) to the Makito FX encoder.
Thumbnail PreviewPreview Thumbnails provide a visual reference of each video encoder’s input. By default, previews are enabled and set to 10 second intervals.

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