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Managing Certificates

The Certificates page shows the list of Identity and CA Certificates installed on Makito X Series devices.

  • Identity Certificates: An Identity Certificate identifies the Makito X during the authentication process when trying to establish a TLS connection in Audit or HTTPS session startup. Its Common Name or Alternate Subject Names must match the device's IP address and/or its FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) if DNS is used.
  • CA Certificates: A CA Certificate is normally a root certificate from a certificate authority that is generally widely known and trusted. CA Certificates are stored on the Makito X so they can be used to authenticate CA-signed certificates from audit servers. You will need to import the root certificate from the CA that signed the certificate of the configured remote audit server. It is also recommended to import the root certificate of the CA that signed your Makito X identity certificate (if you have one).

From the Certificates page, you can generate, import, view, and delete Identity Certificates, as well as select the default Identity Certificate. You can also import, view, and delete CA Certificates.

To manage Certificates:

  1. To generate a Self-signed Certificate or a Certificate Signing Request (CSR), see Generating a Certificate.
  2. To import an Identity or Ca Certificate, see Importing a Certificate.
  3. To view the details of a certificate, click the vertical ellipsis menu of any certificate from the list of Identity or CA Certificates and click View. (See Viewing Certificate Details.)
  4. To set a certificate as the default Identity Certificate (i.e., the Identity Certificate that will be used to represent the device during Audit and HTTPS authentication), click the radio button in the Default column.
    The selected certificate will be set as the default certificate. It will be immediately applied to communications with the Audit server, but will not apply to HTTP communications until the next service restart or system reboot.


    To delete a certificate, click Delete from the vertical ellipsis menu, or check the check box next to the listed certificate(s) and click Delete


    Makito X self-signed TLS certificates are generated with a validity period of less than 825 days.

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