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Delivery Optimization Developer Mode

The delivery logic you defined can be displayed (and modified) in JSON format in Developer Mode:

Here is an example of a WisePath logic diagram and the resulting JSON code:

Developer Mode

  "type": "condition",
  "subtype": "protocol",
  "children": [
      "type": "decision",
      "children": [
          "type": "condition",
          "subtype": "geo",
          "children": [
              "type": "decision",
              "children": [
                  "type": "output",
                  "subtype": "split",
                  "cdns": [
                      "cdnId": "39ef0d79-1dde-4984-a0e3-25a1fccd604e",
                      "cdnName": "Fastly",
                      "cdnNameInProbe": "fastly",
                      "percentage": 50
                      "cdnId": "7fbc1c66-a7d4-45ec-9403-b638ea024b7c",
                      "cdnName": "Akamai",
                      "cdnNameInProbe": "akamai",
                      "percentage": 50
                  "enableP2P": false,
                  "leafId": "5ac666e804b9579919cb6221cb2f1b56"
              "value": [
              "valueAlias": [
              "type": "decision",
              "children": [
                  "type": "output",
                  "subtype": "dynamic",
                  "dynamicValue": 4,
                  "cdns": [
                      "cdnId": "39ef0d79-1dde-4984-a0e3-25a1fccd604e",
                      "cdnName": "Fastly",
                      "cdnNameInProbe": "fastly",
                      "hostname": ""
                      "cdnId": "7fbc1c66-a7d4-45ec-9403-b638ea024b7c",
                      "cdnName": "Akamai",
                      "cdnNameInProbe": "akamai",
                      "hostname": ""
                  "enableP2P": true,
                  "leafId": "36e259e4222033e9b0205ae1b7c1a0f0"
              "value": [
              "valueAlias": [
              "type": "decision",
              "value": "default",
              "children": [
                  "type": "output",
                  "subtype": "do_not_deliver",
                  "leafId": "5c8792c8e9c615f4782952a16ca6d608"
      "protocols": [
      "type": "decision",
      "value": "default",
      "children": [
          "type": "output",
          "subtype": "do_not_deliver",
          "leafId": "9f7ba979104d1eeff4defa6e266add5b"
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