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Configuring Streams

A Kraken stream typically consists of a user-defined stream Name, Input, Transcoder, Output(s), and (optionally) Metadata source(s). Before creating a stream, ensure that the desired Inputs, Outputs, Transcoders, and Metadata have been configured 

From the Streams page, you can define an unlimited number of Kraken streams. However, the number of active streams supported by Kraken depends on your Kraken hardware and Haivision licensing applied to that hardware.

From the Streams page, you can also view statistics for the Stream as well as the configured Input, Decoder, Encoder, and Output.  In addition, for SRT streams, the Statistics page includes links to SRT Input and Output Statistics graphs .

Stream Routing

Kraken supports three stream routing modes:


Stream Routing



Input, Transcode and Output(s)

This is the traditional transcoding workflow (i.e., the only option pre-Release 2.5).

Transcoder + Passthru

Input with
Transcode, and

This transcodes the input stream (similar to the Transcoder workflow) but also re-transmits the stream to another destination (i.e., to "pass through" the system and be rerouted to a different remote IP address).

In Transcode + Passthru mode, to preserve the original transport stream intact without alteration or re-multiplexing, use MPEGTS inputs to MPEGTS outputs.


Input and

This mode does not transcode the input stream, but translates the input protocol to desired output protocol while retaining the media essence encoding from the input stream.

In Bypass mode, to preserve the original transport stream intact without alteration or re-multiplexing, use MPEGTS inputs to MPEGTS outputs.

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