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SRT Statistics

The following table lists the SRT Statistics for Kraken Inputs and Outputs: 

StateThe current operating status of the Input or Output, either Connected, Connecting, Connection established, or Disconnected.
ModeSRT Connection Mode, either Caller, Listener, or Rendezvous.
BitrateThe stream bitrate (in kbps).
UptimeThe elapsed running time of the Input or Output.

Received Packets (Input)
Sent Packets (Output)

Number of packets received/sent for the Input or Output.
Used BandwidthBandwidth used. 

Available Receive Buffer (Input)

Available Send Buffer (Output)

Available Input or Output buffer size in bytes. SRT buffers are the stream packets waiting to be received or sent. This statistic shows the portion of the buffers up to the first missing packet. In other words, the remaining time to transmit the missing packet before it’s too late. The level of the buffer in absence of packet loss is just below the latency value. In presence of packet loss, it is between 0 and the latency value.


If the Buffer goes to 0 often, then there is most likely insufficient BW to support the desired bitrate. In this case, decrease your bitrate.
If the Buffer occasionally goes to 0, then the SRT Latency should be increased.

Receive Rate (Input)
Send Rate (Output)

Rate at which the Input or Output is receiving or sending stream packets in megabits per second.
MSS(Maximum Segment Size) Maximum amount of data, specified in bytes, that a computer or communications device can receive in a single TCP segment.
LatencyThe maximum buffer size (ms) available for managing SRT packets. SRT Latency can be set on both the Input and Output. The higher of the two values is used for the SRT stream.
RTTMeasured round-trip time. Round Trip Time (RTT) is the time it would take for a packet to travel from a specific source to a specific destination and back again. In SRT, this is measured as the time it takes for the destination device to send an acknowledgment (ACK) packet, and then receive a corresponding confirmation (ACKACK) packet.
Lost Packets

Number of SRT packets reported missing on the UDP connection. For each "hole" detected in the packet sequence, a request to re-transmit the lost packet is sent to the sender. This lost packet may (or may not) be re-covered by the re-transmit request.


This is the raw number of packets dropped by the network. Most are recovered by retransmission at the source and so do not necessarily result in any artifacts.

Sent NAKS (Input)
Received NAKS (Output)

Total number of negative acknowledgment packets sent from the source device or received from the destination device.
Max Bandwidth (Output)Maximum bandwidth used by the Kraken SRT Output stream (i.e., the current total of audio/video bit rate plus ancillary data plus the SRT bandwidth overhead).
Key StateIndicates status of AES Encryption (if enabled), either Secured or Unsecured.
Key LengthIndicates the specified key length for AES encryption, in bits: 128, 256, or Unset.

Lost Rate (Input)
Retransmit Rate (Output)

Rate at which the Input is receiving lost packets, or the Output is resending lost packets in bits/s. See the "Lost Packets" description (above) for more details.
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