Output Settings
The following tables list the Kraken Output settings.
General Settings
Output Setting | Description/Values |
Name | Enter a unique name for the output. This name will be selectable from the list of Outputs when you define a stream. Note The Output name is not required. Kraken will use the Output URL as the name if none is provided. |
Protocol | Select the Protocol type for the output streaming format:
Note RTMP input and output are not supported in "Transcoder" or "Transcoder + Passthru" modes.
Note RTSP output is not supported in "Transcoder + Passthru" mode. |
URL | (Protocol must be "Default" or "RTMP") Type in the URL for the Output, for example,
Note Kraken output streams may be UDP unicast or multicast, TCP unicast, or RTMP. However, some limitations have been observed with TCP output to third-party media players. |
Link Parameters
Output Setting | Description/Values |
Network Interface | (Protocol must be "Default" or TS over SRT: Listener or Rendezvous Mode) Select the network (Ethernet) interface for the Output, either:
MTU | (Maximum Transmission Unit Size) Specifies the maximum allowed size of IP packets for the outgoing data stream. Range = Tip You may want to change the MTU on the outbound Kraken stream in order to be compatible with network segments or other systems/devices. |
TTL | (Time-to Live for stream packets) Specifies the number of router hops that IP packets from this stream are allowed to traverse before being discarded. |
ToS | (Type of Service) Specifies the desired quality of service (QoS). This value will be assigned to the Type of Service field of the IP Header for the outgoing streams. Important A DiffServ or DSCP (Differentiated Services Code Point) value must be converted to a ToS precedence value. For example, AF41 or DSCP 34 becomes ToS 136. For more information, see RFC2474. Note The ToS setting must be chosen so as to not interfere with Voice over IP systems and other equipment that may reside on your network. For example, when the ToS value for a stream is set to 0xB8, it can interfere with some third party Voice / IP Telephony systems. |
Bandwidth Overhead (%) | (Protocol must be TS over SRT) Specifies how much data SRT is allowed to add to the transmission over the actual bitrate of the stream being transcoded. This defines the extra bandwidth used to accommodate SRT controls as well as retransmission of lost packets. For example, with the overhead set to the default 25%, for a 10 MBit/s MPEG-TS stream, SRT is allowed to use 12.5 MBit/s of bandwidth on the network link. Range = 5-100% (default value is 25%). Note SRT streams may temporarily overshoot the defined bandwidth overhead limit. |
SAP (Protocol must be "Default")
Output Setting | Description/Values |
Transmit SAP | Check this checkbox to enable SAP announcements. |
Name | If SAP is enabled, enter a unique name for the Session. Note Name is a required field for SAP entry. |
Description | (Optional) Enter an expanded description of the Session. |
Keywords | (Optional) Enter one or more keywords to associate with the Session. Keywords can serve as filters. |
Author | (Optional) Enter the name of the program’s author. |
Address | Type in a valid multicast address for the SAP announcement. Note Leave this blank to use the standard SAP address. |
Port | Type in a valid port number for the SAP announcement. Range = 1025-65535 Note Leave this blank to use the standard SAP port. |
SRT Output Settings
Output Setting | Description/Values |
Mode | Selects the Connection Mode for the SRT output:
To simplify firewall traversal, Rendezvous Mode allows Kraken and the other device to traverse a firewall without the need for IT to open a port. Tip When using Listener or Rendezvous mode with multiple active interfaces, be sure to set the Default Interface on the Network page (see Network Settings). Listener and Rendezvous output modes require that an IP address be specified in the endpoint. However, since you cannot specify which interface to use with an SRT output, setting the Default Interface forces Kraken to use that specified interface for SRT. Otherwise the SRT endpoint may not receive the stream from Kraken. |
Address | (Mode must be Caller or Rendezvous) The target IP address or hostname for the SRT stream (i.e., another device such as HMP or Media Gateway). |
Source Port | (Mode must be Caller or Rendezvous) The UDP source port for the SRT stream, which is the unique port over which Kraken will be sending the SRT stream. You can (optionally) specify the UDP source port. If not filled in, an ephemeral source port will be assigned (between 32768 and 61000). |
Destination Port | (Mode must be Caller or Rendezvous) The port over which the other device (i.e., HMP or Media Gateway) will be listening (between 1025 and 65535). |
Latency | Specifies how long Kraken will buffer received packets. The size of this buffer adds up to the total latency. A minimum value must be 3 times the round-trip-time (RTT). Range = 20 - 8000ms Latency is for the SRT protocol only and does not include the capture, encoding, decoding and display processes of the end-point devices. |
Encryption | Select the AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) encryption key length and cipher:
Passphrase | (Only required and accepted if Encryption is enabled) Specifies a string used to generate the encryption keys to protect the stream (between 10 and 79 UTF8 characters). |
Notes | (Optional) Type in any related information or comments. |
RTSP Output Settings
Output Setting | Description/Values |
Direction | The direction of the RTSP output. Options are:
Tip PUSH operations send RTSP data to a specified remote receiver, while PULL operations make the Kraken RTSP server path available to remote clients via RTSP server queries. |
Server | (Direction must be PUSH) A string (between 0 and 128 characters) that defines the destination remote server. |
Port | (Direction must be PUSH) The port number (between 1 and 65535) of the remote RTSP receiver. |
Path | A string (between 0 and 128 characters) that specifies path parameters for: