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Enabling and Disabling Services

For security purposes, an administrator may need to stop one or more services from accessing Kraken. From the Services page, you can enable and disable network or input capture services, including SDI (DeckLink) Capture, GigE Capture, NDI Capture, ST2110 Capture, Analog (V4L2) Capture, RTSP and SSH.

You can also select which network interfaces allow access to the Kraken Web and API interface in a multi-NIC system. This enables separation of streaming and management interfaces on Kraken.


Some services require a valid Kraken license to enable control of the desired Kraken service.

To enable or disable services:

  1. On the Administration page, click Settings on the navigation bar and Services on the sidebar. 
    The Services page opens displaying the current status of network services (as shown in the following example).


    The On-Off button color indicates the service status:



    Service is started and operating as expected.


    Services is not operating correctly, or failed to start.


    Service is started and operating, but requires attention or configuration to operate as expected.


    Service is stopped.

    WhiteService cannot be disabled. 
  2. To enable or disable a service, toggle the associated Service button to On or Off. For details, see Services Settings.

  3. To select which network interfaces allow access to the Kraken Web and API interface, hover over the Webserver row and click
    Configure. See Services Settings for configuration details.

The service(s) will be stopped or started immediately. (You do not need to click Apply). 

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