The Usage dashboard provides you with a useful visualization of your subscription's consumption information.
The top half of the pane summarizes the total hourly usage of the subscription and a chart displaying the hourly usage for each date of the selected cycle, organized by bandwidth tiers.
The bottom half of the pane contains a detailed usage breakdown by Zones and Tiers.
The following definitions are useful for understanding usage data:
Regions:Geographical areas that cloud hosting providers use to house computing infrastructure.
Zones: Larger geographical groupings of Regions used for purposes of billing for data transfer between regions.
Tiers: A level or grouping of similar items to organize them. For example, bandwidth tiers, rate tiers, etc.
Total Usage:shows a sum of time usage reported by every processing and output Hublet in the route. For example, if a route has 1xRTT Hublet, and 2x output Hublets, and is set to run for 1 hour, the usage will be shown as 3 Hours: 1h (RTT Hublet) + 2h (output Hublets) Please note:
If an AgileHublet, a Hublet that can be added to a running route, is added/removed; the usage time will not match the route time, as both agile Hublet and route would have had a different life cycle.
If there is no content streaming but the route is started, Idle time charges will apply.
Viewing the Usage Dashboard
To view the Usage Dashboard:
Click Admin Area tab.
Select the desired Subscription.
From the Admin Area section tabs, click the Usage tab .
Choose between the sub-tabs to learn more about your
Routes – and usage of Hublets, tiers, and datacenter regions.
Appliances – the number of paired appliances available to your subscription.
Routes Usage
Filtering Data to Change Chart Visualization
To filter data and dynamically change the chart visualization:
Choose from the following options:
Click the Billing cycle drop-down to select the date range you wish to view.
Click the Hublet type drop-down to view usage for All or Regular Hublets.
Chart type allows you to view Daily or Accumulated usage totals.
Total Usage per input/output zones shows the sum of time usage reported by every processing and output Hublet in the route.
Use Filter by bandwidth tiers to display usage data for the selected tier(s) only:
Idle – 0 Mb/s; ON but no streams.
Low – Up to 4 Mb/s streams.
Standard – Up to 12 Mb/s streams.
High – Up to 25 Mb/s streams.
Ultra – Greater than 25 Mb/s streams.
Usage Chart
Consumption Progress Bar
Usage Breakdown Table
If desired, click the Download CSV button to generate a file containing consumption data for the selected billing cycle (date range).
Hover your cursor over a bar in the chart to view the breakdown (tier, region, and usage) for a given day.
Appliances Usage
Usage Tab
Appliances Sub-Tab
Billing Cycle (Date Range)
Number of Paired Appliances by Date
Download CSV Button
Viewing Paired Appliances
To view paired appliances:
In the Admin Area, click the Usage tab .
Click the Appliances sub-tab .
Use the Billing Cycle dropdown menu to specify the date range in which you are interested.
Hover your cursor over a bar in the chart to view the number of appliances paired for a given day.
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