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Audio Manipulation Hublet

The Audio Manipulation Hublet allows you to alter the configuration for incoming MPEG TS audio packet identifiers (PIDs) in order to create an output with a new PID structure.


When using this Hublet, only audio PIDs can be changed. Video and Transport Stream (TS) service information is passed through to the output.  

When creating an Audio Manipulation Hublet, you will need to know the incoming audio PID to which you want to make changes: 

  • Audio PIDs are accepted in both Hex and Decimal formats.  
  • PIDs must be between 32 and 8190. 


Labeled image of the Route Builder screen with a Hublet edit panel open.

Processing Modes

There are currently two audio processing modes available:  

  • PID Selection This mode covers two scenarios: PID filtering and/or PID remapping.  In the event where an incoming transport stream (TS) contains multiple audio PIDs, you may want to remove several of the audio PIDs and create an output with a single audio.


    Useful for RTMP workflows where only a single audio is supported.


    • To filter out the audio PIDs specify valid Input audio PIDs that you would like to keep and confirm them in the Output audio PIDs section. The number of Input PIDs needs to match the number of Output PIDs.  

    • To change/remap the input PID – define a different PID in the Output audio PIDs field.  When remapping, PIDs are mapped in column, where the first input PID is mapped to the first output PID, and so forth.

  • Audio Mix This mode allows you to combine two stereo input PIDs into one stereo output PID.  In this mode, you can define a maximum of two (2) valid audio PIDs and a single output PID.  The output TS will contain a single, mixed audio PID and an original video PID.

Diagram of two PIDS combining into a single PID.

PID Selection mode detail entry.

PID Selection Processing Mode

Audio Mix mode detail entry.

Audio Mix Processing Mode

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