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Uninstalling Haivision Helper

Microsoft Windows

To uninstall Haivision Helper on Microsoft Windows computers:

  1. Open the Windows Control Panel.
  2. Open Programs and Features or click Uninstall a Program, depending on your Windows version.
  3. Select Haivision Helper from the program list.
  4. Click Uninstall.


If Haivision Helper was deployed using a group policy, you can also use GPO settings to remove the program automatically. This must be done before the initial deployment.

Apple macOS

To uninstall Haivision Helper on Apple macOS computers:

  1. An uninstaller application is included in the installed directory. The default path is defined in Downloading and Installing Haivision Helper. If using the Enterprise edition, it may have been installed at a different location using Advanced Deployment Options.
  2. Browse to the installed path.
  3. Run the uninstaller application.
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