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How to Update Haivision Helper

Updates to Haivision Helper may include new features, bug fixes, and/or security enhancements.

For the OS X and Windows User versions, at a configurable interval (default: every 24 hours starting from when the user logs in), Haivision Helper contacts the update server and downloads and installs the latest applicable update. There are currently two options for updating the Haivision Helper application:

  1. Haivision update server — By default, each instance of Haivision Helper sends out a daily update request.
  2. Your own update server — If required, updates for Haivision Helper can be hosted on a non-Haivision server, and Haivision Tech Support can assist with the setup. Only a basic web server is needed to serve three files. The necessary files are supplied by Haivision on an as-needed basis. The Helper is then configured by setting the environment variable HAIVISION_HELPER_UPDATE_URL to point to the hosted location. See Environment Variables for details.


The Windows Enterprise version of Haivision Helper does not support automatic updates. You may update the Windows Enterprise version the same way it was initially installed/deployed onto your system.

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