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Environment Variables

Environment variables can be created to further configure Haivision Helper. Environment variables take precedence over any settings in the Control Panel Web Page.

On Mac systems, to create/edit environment variables:

  1. Open a Terminal, SSH Client, or Command prompt.
  2. To view the current value of an environment variable, type the following:

      launchctl getenv <variable_name>

    where <variable_name> is the name of the variable shown in the following table.

  3. To create or set the value of an environment variable, type the following:

      launchctl setenv <variable_name> <variable_value>

    where <variable_name> is the name of the variable shown in the following table and <variable_value> is the value to set the variable to.

  4. Restart the Haivision Helper process for your change to take affect.

On Windows systems, to create/edit environment variables:

  1. On Windows 8+:
    1. Right click on the Windows icon.
    2. Click System.
    On Windows 7:
    1. Click the Start button.
    2. Right click the Computer option in the Start menu.
    3. Click Properties.
  2. Click Advanced system settings.
  3. Click the Advanced tab.
  4. Click the Environment Variables... button.
  5. To edit an existing Environment Variable:
    1. Select the variable and click the Edit... button.
    2. Edit the name or value of the variable as shown in the following table.
  6. To create an Environment Variable: 
    1. Click the New... button.
    2. Add the name and value of the variable as shown in the following table.
  7. Click the OK button.
  8. Restart the Haivision Helper process for your change to take affect.

The following environment variables can be used:

SettingEnvironment Variable NameDescription
Update URL


Overrides the user setting in the control panel.
Update interval


Overrides the user setting in the control panel. To configure Helper to never check for updates, i.e., for users who prefer to manually deploy updates, set to -1.
Beta builds opt-in


Overrides the user setting in the control panel . To force beta builds On, set it to 't', 'y', or '1'. To force beta builds Off, set it to 'f', 'n', or '0'.
Disable control panel


Set to 't', 'y', or '1' to disable the Haivision Helper Control panel. A disabled control panel displays the following when accessed:

Disabled Haivision Helper Control Panel

Specify custom temp directory for downloads



The temp path specifies where the application is downloaded and launched. The default location is:

  • OS X: TMPDIR system default.
  • Windows: %HOMEPATH%\AppData\Local\Temp\ com.Haivision.helper
Specify custom temp directory for InStream downloadsHAIVISION_INSTREAM_​TEMP_PATH

The temp path specifies where the Furnace InStream application is downloaded and launched. The default location is:

  • OS X: TMPDIR system default.
  • Windows: %HOMEPATH%\AppData\Local\Temp\
Specify custom log file directory



The log path specifies where the log file is written to. The default location is:

  • OS X: ~/Library/Logs/HaivisionHelper.log
  • Windows: %HOMEPATH%\AppData\Roaming\Haivision\helper.log

The value defined by this variable is reported in the control panel, if enabled.

Disable automatic crash reportingHAIVISION_HELPER_​DISABLE_CRASH_REPORTSSet to 't', 'y', or '1' to disable automatic crash reporting to Haivision.
Disable anonymous statistics reportingHAIVISION_HELPER_​DISABLE_ANON_STATSSet to 't', 'y', or '1' to disable anonymous statistics reporting to Haivision.
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