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Control Panel Web Page


You can disable the control panel via environment variables. See Environment Variables for details.

To view and/or adjust settings in the control panel:

  1. In a web browser open the computer’s local loopback IP address:<port number>, where <port number> is the chosen port. See the following note.


    When Haivision Helper launches after logging in to the computer, the control panel binds to the first free port in the 17210–17219 range. To determine which port is used, you can try each port number in succession, or search for the port number in the local Haivision Helper log file. See the "Specify custom LOG directory" entry in Environment Variables for the location of the log file.

  2. This opens the configuration page. Adjust the fields as appropriate. See the table below for more information on the available fields.
  3. Click Save Settings.

The Haivision Helper Control panel settings are as follows:

VersionDisplays the current version and build number.
Include Beta BuildsCheck this option to automatically install intermediate (beta) versions of Haivision Helper.
Update URL OverrideA URL that points to a manifest file on an alternative server. If this field is empty, Haivision Helper gets its updates from the Haivision update server.
Update Interval

An integer that defines the interval (in seconds) between update checks.

Default = 86400 (1 day)
Range = -1, 3600–2592000 (Never, 1 hour–30 days)

Log Level

Select the log level from the drop-down list:

  • Disabled — No logging occurs.
  • Error — Error events that might still allow the application to continue running.
  • Warning — Warning events that might still allow the application to continue running.
  • Info — (Default) Messages that highlight the progress of the application at a high level.
  • Debug — Details about events useful for debugging.
  • Trace — Greater detail than Debug.
Log Location

(Read-only) The location of the log file. By default, for Windows this is %APPDATA%\Haivision\helper.log, and for OS X this is ~/Library/Logs/HaivisionHelper.log.

To change the log location, see the "Specify custom LOG directory" entry in Environment Variables.


Fast User Switching is not supported on OS X.

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