Creating a Live SRT Stream Using a Mobile Device
With Play Pro's Stream function, you can use your mobile device as a low latency contribution source for live SRT streams.
An existing channel lineup that can be edited is required for this task. For help creating a new lineup, please refer to steps 1-4 in Configuring a New Local Lineup.
To create an SRT stream channel:
- From the Home screen, tap Go to the Browser.
- Swipe right or tap the icon to reveal the Browser slide-out menu.
- Select Add or Modify.
- Tap the lineup that you wish to add the stream to.
- Tap Add a Channel in the bottom right corner.
- Enter a channel nickname for easy identification.
- Under Function, select Stream.
- Configure the Capture Video Configuration settings (Video Bitrate, Audio Bitrate, Resolution and Frame Rate) as needed.
- Select the codec, either H.264 or HEVC.
- Under Protocol, select SRT.
- Select the SRT Mode: Caller, Listener or Rendezvous. For more information on SRT modes, please refer to the SRT Deployment Guide.
- (Optional) Toggle on Encryption and set a passcode. If enabled, viewers will have to enter the passcode to view the stream.
- Adjust the SRT Latency as needed.
- Tap Add to save the stream configuration.
The configured SRT live stream can now be launched at any time from the Browser.
To launch the configured live stream:
- From the Browser, swipe right or tap the icon to reveal the slide-out menu.
- Under Available Services, select the lineup containing the stream configuration.
- Select the channel containing the configured stream created during the above process.
- Tap Stream to begin live streaming.
- Tap Streaming to stop streaming, and tap X to exit the camera.