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Restore to a Previous Configuration


Backups are only supported within the same version of HMP. For example, backups created within HMP 3.6 are not supported after upgrading to HMP 3.7.

To restore HMP to a previous configuration:

  1. On the Backup/Restore pane, select the backup file to restore from the Restore Backup drop-down list.
    Restore Backup Drop-down list
  2. If the file is password-protected, enter the password in the Password field.
  3. Click Restore, and then click Confirm.
  4. On the Server Has Been Restored dialog, click OK to proceed.
  5. Wait until the update completes and HMP restarts. After the appliance restarts, the browser displays the HMP Sign-in screen. If not, refresh your browser.
  6. If changes have been made to the HMP's sources, sessions, videos, or layout images since the backup was made, the inconsistent items are listed under Restore Inconsistencies.
  7. You can click the link (such as the video shown in the above example), to open the Content Browser, view and optionally restore the change.
  8. When you are satisfied with the restore, return to the Backup/Restore pane and click Clear Log.

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