During setup, administrators can pair HMP with one or more Haivision Media Gateways to use the gateway as a proxy cache for media hosted by HMP. Media Gateway is a video streaming solution that gathers and distributes video streams to and from multiple locations.
HMP integration with Media Gateways is used to distribute video to distant site locations, typically pairing a single HMP server with Media Gateway appliances at each location. The Media Gateways provide a network of caching for HMP live streaming and on-demand videos. Users at each location watch video from their local gateway device (although they do not interact directly with the gateway).
Ensure the major versions of both your HMP and Gateways are the same. For instance, if your HMP is at version 4.0+, your Media Gateways must also be at version 4.0+.
An HMP can be paired with multiple Media Gateways, but a Media Gateway can only be paired with one HMP.
To view and manage gateway pairings:
Click the icon and select Administration from the navigation drop-down menu.
Click Configuration on the toolbar and then click Media Gateways on the sidebar.
The Media Gateways pane opens, displaying the list of paired media gateways for your platform, if any. The following example shows a new system.
Media Gateway devices initiate outbound requests to HMP to avoid issues with firewall transversal. By default, the HMP pairing passcode is disabled as a security measure, meaning that HMP does not accept any pairing requests.
Setting up the pairing requires steps from both the HMP and Media Gateway Web interfaces.
You can use the same Pairing passcode to set up multiple gateway pairings.
To add a gateway pairing:
On the HMP's Media Gateways pane, click Generate to generate the pairing passcode.
Click the icon to copy the passcode to the clipboard.
Make note of the HMP DNS hostname and port.
On the Media Gateway's Administration page, click Configuration on the toolbar and then click Media Platform on the sidebar.
In the Gateway section of the Settings pane, enter the Media Gateway information.
In the Media Platform section of the Settings pane, enter the HMP information that you noted earlier and paste the pairing passcode into the Passcode field.
You must use the DNS hostnames instead of IP addresses for both the Media Gateway and HMP.
On the Media Gateways pane, this gateway is now listed in the Paired Media Gateways list, along with the connection status and the time elapsed since the last connection was seen.
You can filter the list by selecting either Connected, Offline, or Error. You can also click the gateway IP or hostname (blue) link to open the Media Gateway Web interface in a new browser tab.
On the Locations Information pane, this gateway is now available for selection from the list of paired Media Gateways. (See Step #5 on Managing Locations.)
After you finish pairing all desired Media Gateways, on the HMP Media Gateways pane, click Disable to block any new pairing requests.
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