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HMP Metadata

HMP uses metadata to provide meaningful information about sessions and recordings. This section provides an overview of the kinds of predefined and custom metadata that HMP supports.

Common Metadata

HMP stores common metadata for sessions and recordings. This type of metadata is defined on all HMP systems (as opposed to custom metadata which is defined by an administrator). The following types of common metadata are used by HMP.

Metadata Type



Name given to a session or recording.


Free-form text account of a session or recording.


Username of the person or entity responsible for making a session or recording.


When a session or recording is created from the HMP Web Interface, createdby is automatically set to the HMP user's display name. However, when a session or recording is created from the Command Line API, createdby is not set automatically. See Update Recording Metadata and Update Session Metadata.

HMP's common metadata corresponds with the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set:

HMP Common Metadata

Dublin Core Element








For more information about the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set refer to IETF RFC 5013.

Custom Metadata

HMP administrators may define keys and values to identify and store custom metadata for sessions and recordings. From the Command Line API, programmers can assign these keys and values to sessions and recordings. See Set Recording Category and Set Session Category. Viewers can then select key/value pairs to filter the displayed list of sessions or recordings.


HMP stores HotMarks that indicate points of interest in a recording. Each HotMark is a metadata bookmark that allows viewers to jump to that time in the recording. From the Command Line API, programmers can add HotMarks to annotate an active recording. See Add a HotMark.

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