Set Session Category
This command sets the value for a category assigned to the specified session. You specify the category using the category ID.
The category ID is generated by HMP when the category is defined. To assign category to a session or recording, go the Web interface (
Authorizations: All
When using this command, the (Web interface's) Multiple Values and Custom Values settings are ignored. The command always allows multiple and custom values regardless of the checkbox settings.
Parameter | Description/Values |
sessionId | The ID of a HMP session. |
categoryId | The ID of the category to assign to the session. See the tip above to obtain category ID. |
value | The value defined for the category. Multiple values are separated by spaces. |
Error | Description |
ERROR|010003|Expected 3 parameter(s). | Calling setSessionCategory requires at least 3 parameters. |
ERROR|010001|'Y' is not a UUID | The sessionId provided must be a UUID. The categoryId provided must be a UUID. |
ERROR|010001|Values must be strings | Categories must be strings. |
ERROR|010001|Please provide non-empty values | Categories cannot be empty |
ERROR|010001|Please remove any leading or | Categories cannot start or end with spaces. |
ERROR|010001|Please verify that values are unique | Category list passed in contains duplicate entries. |
ERROR|040007|Category not found | A category with UUID 'categoryId ' was not found. |
ERROR|040006|Session not found | A session with UUID 'sessionId ' was not found. |
setSessionCategory 71edd346-2cf0-4c62-b3d3-9d457b287394 OK |