Haivision Media Platform administrators can define metadata with selectable values to identify and store custom metadata. For example, videos, sessions, and sources may be categorized by surgical procedure, course title, geographical location, or patient ID number – whatever makes sense in your environment.
This metadata can be assigned to videos, sessions, and sources. From the Library and Portal, viewers can select metadata keys and values to filter the Videos, Sessions, or Sources list. For details, see Filtering Lists (Advanced Search) in the User's Guide.
Viewers only see metadata assigned to videos for which they have access.
To help you manage your metadata, you can organize metadata into groups, change the display order of metadata keys within the group, and sort groups within the list of keys. (Metadata cannot be sorted on mobile devices because they do not have the same drag and drop support as desktop browsers.)
Viewing and Configuring Metadata
To view and configure metadata:
Click the icon and select Administration from the navigation drop-down menu.
Click Configuration on the toolbar and then click Metadata on the sidebar. The Metadata pane opens (as shown below). Any defined metadata keys are listed.
Defining Metadata
To define metadata:
On the Metadata pane, click the icon.
On the Add Metadata dialog, type in the metadata key (label), for example, Department.
In the Values field, type in the values for the metadata, one at a time, and press the Enter key after each value. This allows you to use spaces or commas within the individual values.
By default, users are able to enter multiple values, but not custom (i.e., their own) values when assigning metadata to videos, sessions, and sources.
To remove a value, mouse over the value and click the icon.
To use the Metadata for HotMarks, check the checkbox. Note that HotMarks serves as the group for the metadata.
-or- In the Group field, type in the group for the metadata.
If you do not assign a group to the metadata or select it for use with HotMarks, it is listed as UNGROUPED.
Check the checkboxes to modify the default settings for Multiple Values and Custom Values as required. For more information see Metadata Settings.
When you have finished typing in the values, click Add Metadata. The new metadata key is added to the Metadata list.
To change the display order of metadata keys within a group or groups within the Metadata list, click the icon for the metadata key or group and drag it to the adjust the order of the list. The metadata key being sorted (dragged) is blanked out and outlined with a blue dotted border.
If you select multiple metadata keys to edit, only the Group field is editable.
Deleting a metadata key also removes associated values on all videos, sessions, and sources.