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What's New for 3.9

The Haivision Media Platform 3.9 release adds the following new features:

EnhancementAffected Topics

Replaced the hardware-based FIPS encryption modules with software-based cryptographic modules accredited under the U.S. Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) Publication 140-2. As a result, the FIPS enable button has been removed from the Administration > System Settings > Security > Appliance page. The software-based FIPS modules can now be optionally enabled via the command line.


If your HMP 3.8 has FIPS enabled, prior to upgrading to version 3.9, you must disable FIPS. After the upgrade to HMP 3.9 completes, the software-based FIPS modules can be enabled as detailed in Enabling/Disabling FIPS Cryptographic Modules

Added feature to filter list of layouts by tags on the Layouts screen and in the Send Command to STB dialog.

Added warning when a user tries to remove an STB that has events scheduled.

Removed option to use WebRTC for the low-latency player. Since version 3.5, the default method is via HTTP streaming.


Added the following advanced configuration options for administrators:

  • Add a custom external link to the navigation toolbar for all users.
  • Remove the created/scheduled information from the video player in Portal view.
  • Change the behavior of the Sources page and the Sources Viewer for all users.
  • Set the default landing page to IPTV for each role.
  • Improve latency for SRT streams sent to Play 2000/4000 STBs.

Upgraded to SRT version 1.5.1.N/A
Updated Haivision logo in screenshots throughout.Throughout


These features vary by product edition and license.

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