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Publishing to Feeds

You can publish videos, sessions, or sources to one or more Portal feeds. If you "own" a video and your access permissions allow changing feed content, you can publish directly from the viewer. For details on the default access permissions, see Sharing Items.

To publish a video:

  1. On the Library screen, select one or more videos, sessions, or sources.
    Selected Video on Content Library Screen
  2. Click Publish to Feed on the action bar and select the feeds to publish to from the drop-down menu.
    Publish Drop-down on Action Bar

The video is added to the selected feeds. To promote it to "Featured" or "Suggested", open the Library's Feeds Editor. For details, see Managing Feed Content.


Checkmarks indicate any feeds to which the selected item or items are published. Clicking a checkmark removes the selected items from the feed.


If you select multiple items and some items are already published to a feed, the checkbox is replaced by a question mark. Clicking the question mark publishes all selected items to the feed.

Selected Videos

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