On the Library screen, click Feeds on the menu bar.
Hover over the feed to manage and click the icon to open the Feed Management screen.
The Feed Management screen opens, showing the lists of available items (either Videos, Sessions, or Sources) in the left panel and the items selected/published for the feed (if any) in the right panel. By default, the Feed Management screen opens in List view, sorted by title (A-Z).
Following is an example of a new feed, showing the available Videos, with none published.
To display a different list of available items, click either Sessions or Sources.
To select an item for the feed, hover the mouse over the item and click Add.
This moves the item to the right "published" panel (as shown in the following example). On the Portal, this item will be added to the feed list.
To remove an item from the feed, hover over the item and click Remove.
To add or remove multiple items from the feed, select the items (or click All) and click either the or icon.
After an item is selected/published for the feed, you can promote it to "Suggested" or "Featured". Clicking the thumbnail once promotes it to "Suggested", clicking it a second time promotes it to "Featured", and clicking it a third time returns it to "Unmarked".
Or you can check the checkbox next to multiple items and promote or unmark them using the Actions drop-down menu.
To show only "Suggested" or "Featured" items selected for the feed, click either Suggested or Featured. To return to the original list of selected/published feed items, click All.
You can continue to add videos, sessions, and sources to the feed (switching between the lists).
To check your results, open the Portal to view the scrolling strip and Feed Details screen.
By default, viewing permissions are enforced from the video asset itself, and users are prevented from watching content that they do not have access to. However, administrators can reverse this to allow feed permissions to take precedence over the permissions assigned to the individual videos, sessions, or sources.
This setting saves content managers (who are managing the content in each feed) from having to change the permissions for all the individual items in the feed. Instead, they simply change the permission of the feed. For more information, see Configuring Feeds and Activating the Portal (in the Administrator's Guide).
Keep in mind that in this case, users may have access through feeds to assets that they would not have access to otherwise.
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