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Setting Default Set-Top Box Values

From the Administration screen, you can configure default settings to assign to new set-top boxes registered in the Haivision Media Platform domain. You can also create tags for tag-based configuration of devices.

When registering a new set-top box as a device in an HMP domain, it is assigned the default settings. This is useful to control settings such as the channel lineup, volume level, NTP server, and Timezone, the first time the device connects to HMP. You can also load SSL certificates onto the STBs from this screen.

To configure default device settings:

  1. Click the 
     icon and select Administration from the navigation drop-down menu.
  2. Click Configuration on the toolbar and then click Set-Top Boxes on the sidebar.
    The Set-Top Boxes pane opens showing the device default settings (as shown in the following example).
    Set-Top Boxes Pane
  3. Enter or select the values to serve as default device settings. See Device Default Settings.
  4. To specify the default content type, select either Channel, Videos, Sessions, or Layous from the drop-down list, and then select a title from the detailed list.
    Content Drop-down List
  5. See Tagging Devices and Layouts for details on setting device tags.
  6. Click Save Settings. The changes take effect immediately and apply to new STBs registered with the server.

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