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Device Default Settings

The following tables list the Device Default settings.

Default Settings


Initially set to UTC. To modify, select the desired time zone and corresponding city.


The times are based on hours added to or subtracted from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

NTP Server

This is blank the first time you open the (HMP) Devices screen after an upgrade. After setting the default, it is applied to newly registered STBs.

To modify, enter the FQDN or IP address of the NTP (Network Time Protocol) Server for the device. Setting this allows the unit to keep the date and time in sync with an NTP server.


Haivision Play 1000 STBs do not support FQDNs for the NTP server. Use an IP address only.


Generally, it is recommended to use the same NTP server as HMP.

IGMP Version

Initially set to Auto. If required by your system, select IGPMv2 or IGMPv3.


Select the default content type for the device, either channel, videos, sessions, or layouts. Then select the channel, video, session, or layout title from the drop-down list.


Layouts are not available as default content for Haivision Play 1000 STBs.

VolumeTo raise or lower the volume, move the volume slider right or left. Or type in the volume level in the text box.
Admin PIN

(Play 1000 STB only) To set the Admin PIN code, type in a 4-8 digit PIN. When an Admin PIN is set, this locks down Settings screen, and users must enter this PIN to access the STB Settings application.

After you save the Default Settings, this becomes the default Admin PIN for any STBs registered in this HMP domain.


If you are not using an Admin PIN, clear the input field (leave it empty) and click Save.

Offline Cleanup

To set the offline cleanup period, enter the number of days. Devices offline for more than the specified cleanup period are removed from the Devices list.

To disable automatic cleanup, set to 0 (default).

Users and GroupsEnter the names of defined users and groups to assign access to the STB content.
CA Root Certificate
CA Intermediate Certificate

When using self-signed certificates in your workflow, it is necessary to load the certificates onto each connected set-top box before viewing HMP video streams, downloading latest STB firmware, etc. For new STB installs, this must be completed manually using a USB drive or microSD card. See Connecting the Set-Top Box to your HMP Server for details.

However, when updating self-signed certificates on existing operational STBs, use these file input fields to apply a new root certificate and intermediate certificate (if applicable).


After updating certificates, an STB reboot is necessary. Issue a reboot command from HMP as described in Controlling Devices.

Device Tags

ValuesEnter one or more words or phrases to describe and manage the device. See Tagging Devices and Layouts.
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