After the VM starts, it may take up to 3 minutes for all services to launch, the HMG/HSG sign-on screen to appear, and sign-on to be possible. Please be patient if sign-on fails initially.
Accessing the Web Interface
Internet Explorer is no longer supported. We recommend using Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome.
On the VM details page, scroll down to the Network Interfaces section and copy the External IP address.
Open a web browser, and enter the External IP Address from the previous step. A message may appear warning that the connection to the server is untrusted. This is normal, and you can safely continue.
Sign in to the Web Interface, using the haiadmin username and password. (By default, the password is the Instance ID of the virtual server. See Step #10 in Creating a Virtual Server.)
The Instance ID is the initial password for all user accounts.
Click the Sign In button.
For BYOL instances, a License Required modal appears. See Licensing Your Serverto obtain a license.