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Creating a Virtual Instance

  1. Click the 
    icon and click Products and Services > Computing > Elastic Compute Service.
  2. Click the Create Instance button.
  3. Specify the details of your ECS purchase as follows:
    • In Billing Method, click Pay as You Go.
    • In Region, select the same Region used when you created the Virtual Private Cloud in Creating the VPC and Network Subnets.

    • In Network and Zone, select the VPC and vSwitch you created previously.
    • In Instance, select the instance type per your workflow requirements.


      • We do not recommend using instances with low CPU resources, because the resulting performance of your server will be inadequate.
      • For high bandwidth streams or critical viewing requirements, we recommend using Compute Optimized C7 Instances (e.g. ecs.c7.xlarge, ecs.c7.2xlarge, etc.) tiers, as they are optimized for compute-intensive workloads and have high-performance network I/O.
      • See the following table for the correlation between the BYOL SKUs and the recommended Alibaba Cloud instance type.
      HMG BYOL SKUHSG BYOL SKUAlibaba Cloud Instance TypevCPUsRAMSuggested # of Routes/Destinations


      48 GB
      • 10 Routes with 1 Destination each or
      • 5 Routes with 2 Destinations each
      MI-MG200-ALI-BYOLMI-SG20-ALI-BYOLecs.c7.2xlarge816 GB
      • 20 Routes with 1 Destination each,
      • 10 Routes with 2 Destinations each, or
      • 5 Routes with 4 Destinations each


      1632 GB
      • 50 Routes with 1 Destination each,
      • 25 Routes with 2 Destinations each, or
      • 5 Routes with 10 Destinations each


      3264 GB
      • 100 Routes with 3 Destinations each
    • In Image, click Marketplace Images, click Select Image from Alibaba Cloud Marketplace, search for Haivision Gateway and select Haivision Media Gateway or Haivision SRT Gateway in the list of images.


      If the Haivision images do not appear, ensure the tiles on the left are unselected. One may be selected by default.

    • In Storage, add disks and specify their sizes as required by your workflow.


      The default storage is sufficient for most operations. However, if you intend to use your server in conjunction with a video server (such as Media Gateway with Haivision Media Platform), having additional storage will allow you to benefit from local caching on the virtual server.

    • In Bandwidths & Security Groups, for Public IP Address check Assign Public IP Address and select the bandwidth billing method and appropriate network bandwidth limit. The value is the peak value, not the dedicated fixed bandwidth.


      Optionally, do not check the checkbox and purchase an Elastic IP, which allows you to move the IP address between instances. More details can be found in the Alibaba documentation.

    • In Security Group, click New Security Group if you do not already have one created and select the checkboxes next to Port 80 and Port 443, and deselect Port 3389. You will need to edit this security group after the instance is created to open ports for streaming. See SRT Streams for more details.
    • In Management, for SSH access to the Console UI:
      • In Logon Credential ensure Key Pair is selected, and in Key Pair click Create Key Pair.
        Create Key Pair
      • A new browser tab opens to the Key Pairs page. Click the Create SSH Key Pair button, enter a name, select Auto-create ( a .pem private key file is downloaded in your browser) or select Import (paste the public key in the provided textbox) . Close the Key Pair browser tab.
        Import Key Pair
      • Back in the Create ECS browser tab, click the Key Pair
        refresh button and select the key pair you just created in the dropdown. You will use the .pem private key file later after the instance is running. See Signing in to Your Server after finishing this procedure.
      • Set any tags for easier management of launched resources.
    • In Advanced Settings > Instance Name, specify an instance name for easy management.
    • In Quantity, you may choose to launch multiple ECS instances simultaneously, all with the same server specifications.
    A summary is shown at the side or bottom of the ECS purchase page in Configuration Summary.
  4. Review the ECS Terms of Service and check the checkbox.
  5. Review the Instance Price and Fees. When satisfied with your selection, click Create Order.
    Create Order
  6. You should see a successful confirmation message. Return to the ECS web console by clicking Console.
    Launch Success

In the ECS console, within a few minutes the ECS instance status changes to Running and a Public IP appears. Click the copy button next to the Public IP address for Signing in to Your Server.

ECS Console

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