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Destinations Object Model

The destinations object model differs when used in API requests and responses.

POST API Requests

Use the following destinations model when issuing the Create a RouteUpdate a Route, and Start or Stop a Route's Destination API requests. Definition of each destination depends on the protocol.

UDP or RTP Destination
namestringName of destination for route. (Unique name with length 1-60.)
idstringOptional when creating destination, required when updating. Destination ID.
addressstringIP address of route destination.
protocolstringDestination protocol: udp or rtp.
portnumberPort number of route destination: 1–65535.
networkInterfacestringOptional. Network interface name. (Empty string if auto.)
retainHeaderBooleanOptional. RTP only. To retain headers for RTP tunneling through SRT.
actionstringOptional. Destination action: start, stop, or none.
mtunumberOptional. Destination MTU. Range = 280–1500.
ttlnumberOptional. Destination TTL. Range = 1–255.
tosnumberOptional. Destination ToS. Range = 0–255.


  • For UDP, destination FEC enable: none or vf.
  • For RTP, destination PRO-MPEG FEC enable: none or prompeg.


    PRO-MPEG FEC available only on Haivision SRT Gateway.

prompegFecLevelstringOptional. RTP only. PRO-MPEG FEC level: a or b.

Optional. RTP only. PRO-MPEG FEC if block is aligned: true or false.


Optional. RTP only. PRO-MPEG FEC number of columns: 1–20.


Optional. RTP only. PRO-MPEG FEC number of rows: 4–20.

shapingBooleanOptional. Destination shaping: true or false.
maxBitratenumberOptional. Destination maximum bitrate.
SRT Destination
namestringName of destination for route. (Unique name with length 1-60.)
idstringOptional when creating destination, required when updating. Destination ID.

IP address of route destination. ( for listener.)

If SRT path redundancy is used, this value is not needed. The srtNetworkBondingParams object contains the individual address assignments.

protocolstringDestination protocol: srt.

Port number of route destination: 1–65535.

If SRT path redundancy is used, this value is not needed. The srtNetworkBondingParams object contains the individual port assignments.


Optional. Network interface name. (Empty string if auto.)

If SRT path redundancy is used, this value is not needed. The srtNetworkBondingParams object contains the individual network interface names.

retainHeaderBooleanOptional. To retain headers for RTP tunneling through SRT.
actionstringOptional. Destination action: start, stop, or none.

Optional. Destination MTU. Range = 280–1500.

If SRT path redundancy is used, this value is not needed. The srtNetworkBondingParams object contains the individual MTU values.


Optional. Destination TTL. Range = 1–255.

If SRT path redundancy is used, this value is not needed. The srtNetworkBondingParams object contains the individual TTL values.


Optional. Destination ToS. Range = 0–255.

If SRT path redundancy is used, this value is not needed. The srtNetworkBondingParams object contains the individual ToS values.

srtEncryptionstringOptional. Encryption mode: AES128, AES256, or None.
srtPassPhrasestringOptional. SRT Passphrase.


numberOptional. SRT latency.
srtModestringOptional. SRT mode: caller, listener, or rendezvous.
srtOverheadstringOptional. Overhead used for SRT.

Optional. SRT Caller mode only. Stream ID string to identify the listener.


Only available for Haivision SRT Gateway.

useFecBooleanSRT Caller mode with path redundancy disabled only. Enable FEC: true or false
srtFecColsnumberIf useFEC is enabled, number of columns.
srtFecRowsnumberIf useFEC is enabled, number of rows.
srtFecLayoutstringIf useFEC is enabled, FEC layout: saircase or even.
srtFecArqstringIf useFEC is enabled, FEC ARQ: never or onreq.
srtConnectionLimitstringSRT Listener mode only. SRT Caller connection limit.

Optional. SRT path redundancy mode: none, broadcast, backup, or any.

srtNetworkBondingParamsobject listIf srtGroupMode is not set to none, array of SRT network bonding parameters.

SRT Network Bonding Parameters Model

In SRT Listener or Caller mode with srtGroupmode not set to none, use the following SRT Network Bonding Parameters destinations model when issuing the Create a RouteUpdate a Route, and Start or Stop a Route's Destination API requests for each defined network path.

addressstringIP address of route destination.
portnumberPort number of route destination: 1–65535.
networkInterfacestringNetwork interface name. (Empty string if auto.)
mtunumberOptional. Destination MTU. Range = 280–1500
ttlnumberOptional. Destination TTL. Range = 1–255.
tosnumberOptional. Destination ToS. Range = 0–255.
HLS Destination
namestringName of destination for route. (Unique name with length 1-60.)
idstringOptional when creating destination, required when updating. Destination ID.
protocolstringDestination protocol: hls.
actionstringOptional. Destination action: start, stop, or none.
segmentDurationnumberOptional. HLS segment duration.
useEncryptionBooleanOptional. Encryption enable: true or false.
segmentsPerKeynumberOptional. Number of HLS segments per key.
multitrackSegmenterBooleanOptional. HLS variant playlist enable: true or false.

GET API Responses

The following destinations model is returned after issuing the Get Device Configuration and Get Route Configuration API commands. Definition of each destination depends on the protocol.

UDP or RTP Destination
namestringName of destination for route.
idstringDestination ID.
addressstringIP address of route destination. ( for unicast.)
protocolstringDestination protocol: udp or rtp.
portnumberPort number of route destination: 1–65535.
networkInterfacestringNetwork interface name. (Empty string if auto.)
retainHeaderBooleanRTP only. To retain headers for RTP tunneling through SRT.
mtunumberDestination MTU. Range = 280–1500
ttlnumberDestination TTL. Range = 1–255.
tosnumberDestination ToS. Range = 0–255.


  • For UDP, destination FEC enable: none or vf.
  • For RTP, destination PRO-MPEG FEC enable: none or prompeg.


    PRO-MPEG FEC available only on Haivision SRT Gateway.

prompegFecLevelstringOptional. RTP only. PRO-MPEG FEC level: a or b.

Optional. RTP only. PRO-MPEG FEC if block is aligned: true or false.


Optional. RTP only. PRO-MPEG FEC number of columns: 1–20.


Optional. RTP only. PRO-MPEG FEC number of rows: 4–20.

shapingBooleanDestination shaping: true or false.
maxBitratenumberDestination maximum bitrate.
statestringDestination state: disconnected, connecting, connection established, or connected.
summaryStatusCodestringDestination status summary code: warn, error, ok, or unknown.
summaryStatusDetailsstringDestination status details.
startedBooleanIf destination is started: true or false.
SRT Destination
namestringName of destination for route.
idstringDestination ID.
addressstringIP address of route destination. ( for listener.) If path redundancy is used, pipe-delimited string of addresses.
protocolstringDestination protocol: srt.
portnumber or stringPort number of route destination: 1–65535. If path redundancy is used, pipe-delimited string of ports.
networkInterfacestringNetwork interface name. (Empty string if auto.) If path redundancy is used, pipe-delimited string of network interfaces.
retainHeaderBooleanOptional. To retain headers for RTP tunneling through SRT.
mtunumber or stringDestination MTU. Range = 280–1500. If path redundancy is used, pipe-delimited string of MTU values.
ttlnumber or stringDestination TTL. Range = 1–255. If path redundancy is used, pipe-delimited string of TTL values.
tosnumber or stringDestination ToS. Range = 0–255. If path redundancy is used, pipe-delimited string of ToS values.
srtEncryptionstringEncryption mode: AES128, AES256, or None.
srtPassPhrasestringSRT Passphrase.
useFECBooleanSRT Caller mode only. If FEC is enabled: true or false
srtFecColsnumberSRT Caller mode only. If FEC is enabled, number of columns.
srtFecRowsnumberSRT Caller mode only. If FEC is enabled, number of rows.
srtFecLayoutstringSRT Caller mode only. If FEC is enabled, FEC layout: staircase or even.
srtFecArqstringSRT Caller mode only. If FEC is enabled, FEC ARQ: never or onreq.
srtConnectionLimitstringSRT Listener mode only. SRT Caller connection limit.


numberSRT latency.
modestringSRT mode: caller, listener, or rendezvous.
srtOverheadstringOverhead used for SRT.
statestringDestination state: disconnected, connecting, connection established, or connected.
summaryStatusCodestringDestination status summary code: warn, error, ok, or unknown.
summaryStatusDetailsstringDestination status details.
startedBooleanIf destination is started: true or false.

SRT Caller mode only. Stream ID string to identify the listener.


Only available for Haivision SRT Gateway.


SRT path redundancy mode: none, broadcast, backup, or any.

srtNetworkBondingParamsobject listIf srtGroupMode is not set to none, array of SRT network bonding parameters.

SRT Network Bonding Parameters Model

In SRT Listener or Caller mode with srtGroupMode not set to none, the following SRT Network Bonding Parameters model is returned as part of the response to a Get Device Configuration or Get Route Configuration API command for each defined network path.

addressstringIP address of route destination.
portnumberPort number of route destination: 1–65535.
networkInterfacestringNetwork interface name. (Empty string if auto.)
mtunumberOptional. Destination MTU. Range = 280–1500
ttlnumberOptional. Destination TTL. Range = 1–255.
tosnumberOptional. Destination ToS. Range = 0–255.
HLS Destination
namestringName of destination for route.
idstringDestination ID.
protocolstringDestination protocol: http.
addressstringHLS playlist path. (Construct the URI to m3u8 playlist for this client by using: https://[IP address] + [HLS playlist path].) Playlist requests may require authorization.
segmentDurationstringHLS segment duration.
useEncryptionbooleanEncryption enable: true or false.
segmentsPerKeynumberNumber of HLS segments per key.
multitrackSegmenterbooleanHLS variant playlist enable: true or false.
statestringDestination state: disconnected, connecting, connection established, or connected.
summaryStatusCodestringDestination status summary code: warn, error, ok, or unknown.
summaryStatusDetailsstringDestination status details.
startedBooleanIf destination is started: true or false.


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