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Connecting the Gateway to the Remote Site's Makito X4 Decoder

  1. Switch to the LAN-based Gateway browser tab or enter the URL for the LAN-based Gateway web interface.
  2. Click Add Route button to add a new route.
  3. In the New Route screen:
    • Supply a (1) route name and check the (2) Start Once Created checkbox so that the stream starts after creation.
    • In the Source section, provide a (3) source name, the (4) protocol of "TS over SRT", and the (5) mode to "Listener".
    • Enter the (6) port.


    If needed, switch to the appropriate browser tab or enter the URL for the LAN-based Gateway to acquire this information.

  4. Click Add Destination.

  5. In the Add Destination dialog, enter the information for the Decoder:
    • Provide a (1) name and select the (2) protocol as "TS over UDP".
    • Enter the (3) address and (4) port information for the destination.
  6. When finished, click Save.
  7. In the New Route screen, click Apply.
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