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Route List Screen

The Route List screen gives you an overview of the currently defined routes. You can expand/collapse the routes to list more information regarding their source and destinations.

Various elements appear as shown in the following figure, and they are each described below.

Add Route buttonClick to add a new route. See Creating a Route.
Start/Stop buttonSelect the checkboxes next to the routes you wish to start/stop, and click the Start/Stop button. See Starting, Stopping, and Deleting a Route.
Delete buttonSelect the checkboxes next to the routes you wish to delete, and click the Delete button. See Starting, Stopping, and Deleting a Route.
Expand All/Collapse All buttonsExpands/Collapses the source and destination route details.
Pagination optionSelect how many routes to show per page. 
Page buttons
If the number of defined routes is greater than the pagination option, then page buttons are available to go to other pages. For example:
Page Controls
Collapsed/Expanded Route
Clicking the 
icons next to a route collapses or expands the route.
  • When collapsed (
    Right Arrow Icon
    icon appears), the route listing shows the name of the route, the source name and number of destinations, the route status icon, the current uptime if the route is not stopped, and action buttons to start/stop, delete, and view the statistics of a route. Clicking the elsewhere in the route opens the Edit Route screen.
  • When expanded (
     icon appears), the route listing also shows the source and destination stream details including names, protocol, type, individual status icons, address and action buttons to start/stop each destination. Clicking the source stream opens the Edit Route screen, and clicking a destination stream opens its Edit Destination dialog.

See the following for a desciption of the status icons.

Status Icons

Hovering over the status icon shows more details regarding the status.

Active with data flow.
Connection in progess.
Starting or updating route.
Stopping route.

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