Get Destination Statistics
Retrieves statistics about a specific route's destination.
With HMG/HSG version 3.7.4+, you can use the destination name in the request to return its statistics. If special characters are used in the destination name (for example, +, ?, &), ensure you use a URL-encoded format in the request.
Authorizations: Administrator, Operator, Observer
GET /api/gateway/[Device ID]/statistics?routeID=[Route ID]&destinationID= |
Name | Type | Description |
Device ID | string | Device ID retreived via the Get Device Info command. |
Route ID | string | Route ID retrieved via the Get Device Configuration command. |
Destination ID | string | Destination ID retrieved via the Get Route Statistics command. |
Destination Name | string | Destination name. |
Response varies depending on which protocol is used. See Destinations Statistics Object Model for parameter definitions of the destination statistics object.
"collectedAt": [Date/time in Unix time],
"destination": {
<Destination Statistics Object>
} |