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Haivision EMS

Welcome to the documentation for Haivision® Element Management System (EMS). Haivision EMS helps you remotely discover and manage local deployments of Haivision devices.

In the 1.0 release, Haivision EMS supports management solutions for Haivision Makito X devices. For information on installing, configuring, and managing Makito X devices, please refer to the Makito user documents in the Haivision InfoCenter.


Documentation for older versions of Haivision EMS are only available as PDFs.

 Available Documentation

Important NoticeIncludes default credentials and network settings for the hardware server. Postcard shipped with the appliance or available through the Download Center on the Haivision Support Portal.
Provide the steps to install and connect the hardware server or virtual machine instance and get started.
EMS 1.0 User's Guide.pdfExplains how to set up, configure, and manage EMS deployments.
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