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Editing Attributes and Claims

To edit attributes and claims:

  1. In the Attributes & Claims section, click Edit.
    SSO Setup Screen
  2. Click Add new claim.
    Attributes and Claims Screen
  3. Enter the following information in the Manage Claim fields:
    New Claim Fields

    1. Name: AccessGroup
    2. Namespace:
    3. Source: Attribute
    4. Source attribute: user.surname
    5. Click Save.
  4. Click Add a group claim.
  5. Complete the fields in the Group Claims panel:
    Group Claims Fields

    1. Under "Which groups associated with the user should be returned in the claim?," select Groups assigned to the application.
    2. In the Source attribute drop-down, select Group ID.
    3. Click to expand the Advanced options section and check the box next to Customize the name of the group claim. Enter the following:
      Name: role
    4. Click Save.

After completing this, continue to Adding Users and Groups.

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