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AMD Settings to Prevent Flickering Issue

Some systems experience screen flickering during operation and require adjustments to AMD settings to resolve. Follow the steps below to update GPU specifications.

  1. Shut down then power on the Alpha FX processor.
  2. Once the Alpha boots to Windows and before the Alpha Control Service starts (2 minutes after Windows starts), right click on the desktop and select AMD Radeon Software:

  3. When the Radeon Pro Settings menu opens, click the gear icon in the top right corner.

  4. Select the Graphics tab.

    The tabs for GPU X will appear if more than one GPU is installed. Setting adjustments must be made for each GPU.

  5. On the GPU settings page (pictured below), set the following setting per GPU: OpenGL Triple Buffering > Enabled


    GPU selection only appears for instances with more than one GPU. For instances with more than 2 GPUs, apply the same settings to GPU 3 and GPU 4 as well.

  6. After the settings are applied, close the AMD Radeon Settings application.
  7. Reboot the Alpha.

This concludes instructions for resolving screen flicker anomalies in Command 360 environments. 

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