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Adding a CineLink Encoder

To add a CineLink encoder:

  1. Click the user icon in the top right corner and click Admin > Resources.
  2. Click CineLinks on the left navigation column.
    CineLinks Management Page

  3. Click the Add Encoder button. The Add CineLink Encoders side panel opens on the right.
    Add Encoder Panel

  4. Enter an IP Address to Search to add an encoder manually, or scroll the list of automatically detected encoders and click the check box next to each one you wish to add.
  5. Click Next.

  6. (Optional) Encoder Name, IP Address, Model, and Serial Number auto-populate with the encoder details. The Encoder Name and Location can be edited if desired.
    Encoder Details

  7. Click Add CineLinks. The encoder now appears on the CineLink management summary page:
    Encoder Summary

    The status should indicate the machine is online and available for use. If the status is offline, check the device and ensure all settings align with network requirements.
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