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Haivision Connect DVR


Welcome to the documentation for Haivision® Connect DVR™, your cloud-based video content player that delivers your content to the right audience at the right time.

The Haivision Connect DVR Display Engine is an important component of the multi‐site solution that enables you to stream time‐shifted video from an originating site to remote venues using low‐cost public internet connections and DVR streaming servers. The Haivision Connect DVR service can also accommodate synchronized dual stream play‐out, preserving the large‐scale theatrical experience (IMAG) from the main site to the remote venue with perfect synchronization.

What’s New

The Connect DVR Version 4.4 minor release includes these enhancements:

  • Connect DVR Display Engine SDI Mini – New small form factor appliance with SDI video output. See the Connect DVR SDI Mini Quick Start Guide for more details.

Available Documentation



Important Notice

Includes default network settings and passwords. Shipped with the appliance or available on the Haivision Support Portal.

Provide the steps required to install and connect the CDVR devices.

CDVR4.4 User's Guide.pdf

Explains how to navigate and use the Connect DVR web interface.

Release Notes

Lists fixes between versions, as well as known issues. Only available on the Haivision Support Portal.

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