_Services Settings_MX4D
Network Services
Service | Description/Values |
General | |
HTTP | Hypertext Transfer Protocol, used for Web browsers acting as a client. Note Only secured HTTP (HTTPS) is supported. |
SSH | Secure Shell, a network protocol that allows data to be exchanged using a secure channel between two networked devices. |
Telnet | Telnet, a network protocol used on the Internet or local area networks to provide bidirectional communications via a virtual terminal connection. |
SNMP | Simple Network Management Protocol, a network protocol used mostly in network management systems to monitor network attached devices. |
Haivision EMS | EMS (Element Management System) allows simple management of Haivision-only devices. |
Haivision EMS | |
EMS | Toggle to On to enable Haivision EMS. |
Thumbnail Preview | |
Preview | Toggle to On to enable Control Center Thumbnail Previews. |
Interval | Enter the Preview capture interval in seconds and click Save. 1...600 (default is 10 seconds) Note A lower interval may affect performance. We recommend that you verify that the chosen value does not affect your system performance. The Preview settings will continue to be used after a reboot, or when the unit is turned off and on. |